The Brickline Greenway will be a network of 10 miles of greenways, linking up to 14 neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis and connecting Forest Park to the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park to Tower Grove Park, and hundreds of destinations in between.
To ensure that art is thoughtfully incorporated into the development of the greenway, Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) hired Via Partnership to develop a public art plan. Adopted in March 2024, Brickline Art: A Working Plan for Art on the Brickline Greenway establishes Brickline Art as the greenway’s art program and describes how art can help achieve the Brickline Greenway’s ambitions to impact individual well-being and the vitality of the community.
Working with engagement consultant Tabari Coleman, we conducted roundtable discussions with regional and local artists, arts organizations, and youth-serving organizations, as well as dozens of one-on-one interviews with community and arts stakeholders to develop the plan. The team also engaged nearly 200 neighbors at Northside Night Out.
Our work was also informed by extensive benchmarking of peer greenway systems, linear parks and other public spaces that incorporate art and culture programming.
The plan sets forth a vision, mission, and guiding principles for Brickline Art; a set of program areas in which it operates; and an implementation framework that guides how projects will be developed, allowing for community dialogue to inform future art decisions and project development. Art on the Brickline Greenway can help tell the many, and sometimes buried, stories of St. Louis and the neighborhoods through which the greenway passes, sharing with residents and visitors the past, present, and future vision of places along the greenway and promoting a dialogue that brings people together.
After the adoption of the plan, Via continued working with GRG to commission four St. Louis-based artists to develop artwork for temporary streetlight banners along Grand Boulevard, marking a segment of the Brickline Greenway: North Connector prior to its construction.