The Las Cruces Public Art Master Plan has helped the City launch a new public art program that reflects and supports the importance of the arts to Las Cruces. Via led a process that engaged hundreds of people throughout Las Cruces to share their perspectives on the future of public art in the community. We developed an online survey in English and Spanish, facilitated roundtable discussions and interviews, and organized a tour of public art in nearby El Paso for the City Art Board and other stakeholders. We also hosted pop-up, hands-on activities at National Night Out to gather input from more Las Crucens.
These many conversations, as well as multiple work sessions with the City Art Board and plan advisory committees, shaped the plan. Key recommendations of the plan include four specific categories of public art opportunities that Las Cruces Public Art should focus its energy and resources on for the next five to ten years: artworks integrated into parks and city facilities, landmark public art projects, community engaged collaborations, and a special category of projects called Las Cruces Stories that highlight aspects of the unique history and present-day cultures of Las Cruces. The plan was adopted by City Council in early 2020; in 2021 an important recommendation of the plan was realized when City Council approved an ordinance setting aside two percent of future general obligation bonds to fund public art, establishing a dedicated funding source for public art.
Learn more about the plan.